Gestion et maîtrise des ressources animales et environnementales en milieu semi aride


Chokri Thabet





Le laboratoire de « Gestion et Maîtrise des Ressources Animales et Environnementales en Milieu Semi-aride » effectue des études dans les régions semi arides du centre du pays (Sousse, Monastir, Mahdia, Sfax, Kairouan, Sidi Bouzid) contribuant ainsi au développement durable de ces régions dans le secteur de l’élevage ovin, bovin, avicole et cunicole traditionnels et biologiques. Les champs de ses études s’étendent aussi sur la valorisation des ressources locales animales et alimentaires, les implications environnementales, les impacts des changements climatiques ainsi que l’évaluation économique des dégâts occasionnés et des diverses options qui se pré

Membres permanents

Thabet ChokriProfesseurEconomie Rurale
Rajouense MajdoubProfesseurHydrologie
Haj Ayed MadihaProfesseurProduction Animale
Othmane Mohamed El HoucineProfesseurProduction Animale
Majdoub Mathlouthi LindaiMaître de conférencesProduction Animale
M’saddak YoussefMaître de conférencesGénie Rural
Lasram AsmaMaître de conférencesBioclimatologie
Hachana YasserMaître de conférencesProduction Animale
Boukef SamehMaître AssistantProduction Fourragère
Elamri AsmaMaître AssistantGénie Rural
Aloulou RafikMaître AssistantProduction Animale
Ihèb FrijaMaître AssistantEconomie Rurale
Hamdi HaniaMaître AssistantProduction Animale


Haggui Nacima12619736ISACM2021-2022Linda Majdoub-Mathlouthi
Ameur Wafa09431467ISACM2019-2020Thabet Chokri
Missaoui Sameh06959514ISACM2018-2019Thabet chokri
Cherif Nadhima14761719ISACM2020-2021Lasram Asma
Gaddès MarwaPasseport C866677ISACM2018-2019Haj AyedMadiha
ZnazenYosra11896592ISACM2021-2022Haj AyedMadiha
Soula Rania09373354ISACM2017-2018Majdoub Rajouene
Amal Ghannem09326000ISACM2016-2017Majdoub Rajouene


    • Partenaires nationaux : CTAB, CRHAB, CRDA Sousse, CRDA Kairouan, Institut de l’Olivier, OEP, ANPE
    • Partenaires Etrangers : Université Polytechnique de Barcelone ; Université de Bologne, Agrocampus-Ouest de France,


ProjetPRIMA : Agroecological sheep/goat production system based on the valorisation of halophytes of saline areas in the Mediterranean basin (Halosheep)

ProjetERASMUS : « Sustainable Adaptation of Livestock Production to Climate Change (LIVCLIC)Project Number : 2021-1-EE01-KA220-VET-000025360

ProjetPRIMA -H2020-SECTION-1-+SUSTAVianFEED  “Alternative animal feeds in Mediterranean poultry breeds to obtain sustainable products”

Projet H2020 : FOOD and Local, Agricultural, and Nutritional Diversity (FOODLAND)

Productions Scientifiques

    • Ben Ettoumia R., Vernet J., Ortigues-Marty I., Kraiem K., Majdoub-Mathlouthi L., 2021. Effects of metabolizable energy intake on post weaning lamb growth performance, carcass tissue composition and internal fat depend on animal characteristics: A meta-analysis. Meat science.
    • Majdoub-Mathlouthi L, Hamdi H, Kraiem K. 2021 Producing Barbarine lambs on Tunisian rangelands could be sustainable and provide healthy meat. Agriculture Productivity in Tunisia Under Stressed Environment. Ed: Springer. 22p. (chapitreouvrage).
    • Hamdi H, Majdoub-Mathlouthi L, Thomas A, Durand D, Kraiem K. 2018. Effects of olive-cake supplementation on fatty acid composition, antioxidant status and lipid and meat color stability of Barbarine lambs reared on improved rangeland plus concentrates or indoors with oat hay plus concentrates. Animal Production Science. Animal Production Science 58 (9) 1714-1725.
    • Bchir A., M’nassri S., Dhib S., El Amri A., Mulla D. 2021. Estimating and mapping evapotranspiration in olive groves of semi-arid Tunisia using empirical formulas and satellite remote sensing. Arabian Journal of Geosciences. 14: 2717. org/10.1007/s12517-021-08860-z.
    • Soula R., Chebil A., Cetin M., Majdoub R. 2021. Diagnosis and removal of trend component in groundwater elevation data by using experimental semivariograms : An application to Mahdia shallow aquifer system of Tunisia. Arabian Journal of Geosciences. 14: 2116. 4:2116 org/10.1007/s12517-021-08477-2.
    • Ghannem A., Ben Aissa I., Majdoub R. 2021. Effetcs of regulated deficit irrigation at different growth stages of greenhouse grown tomato on substrate moisture, yield, fruit, quality, and physiological traits. Environmental Science and Pollution Research Journal. 28: 46553-46564. doi: 1007/s11356-020-10407-w.
    • Lahmar K., Saied S., Majdoub R., Larue J.P., Ballais J.L. 2021. The waters of the CESSE watershed (south east France) cartographic and geoenvironmental approach. Larhyss Journal. 46: 49-75.
    • Ghannem A., Ben Aissa I., Majdoub R. 2021. Effects of regulated deficit irrigation (RDI) applied at different growth stages of greenhouse Tomato on yield and fruit quality. Chapter Book In Recent Advances in Environmental Science from the Euro-Mediterranean and surrounding regions (2nd Edition). Springer Publisher.
    • W, A. Frija; M.A.Abdeladhim and C. Thabet. (2021). “Patterns of use of residue biomass in the cereal-sheep production systems of North Africa: case of Tunisia”. Agriculture 2021, Volume 11, Issue 7, 612. DOI:
    • Souissi, A.; Mtimet, N.; McCann, L.; Chebil, A.; Thabet, C. (2022) Determinants of Food Consumption Water Footprint in the MENA Region: The Case of Tunisia. Sustainability 2022, 14, 1539. (IF: 3.251)
    • El Amri A., M’nassri S., Nasri N., Nsir H., Majdoub R. 2022. Nitrate concentration analysis and prediction in shallow aquifer in central-eastern Tunisia using artificial neural network and time series modelling. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 29: 43300-43318.
    • M’nassri S., El Amri A., Nasri N., Majdoub R. 2022. Estimation of irrigation water quality index in a semi-arid environment using data-driven approach. Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology. 22 (5): 5161–5175.
    • Kenniche S., Bekkoussa B., M’nassri S., Teffahi M., Taupin J.D., Patris N., Zaagane M., Majdoub R. 2022. Hydrochemical characterization, physiocochemical and bacteriological quality of groundwater in Sidi KadaMoutains, northwest of Algeria. Arabian Journal of Geosciences. 15: 1061.
    • M’nassri S., Majdoub R. 2022. Salinization of hydrological systems: Recognition and Mitigation Strategies. ELIVA PRESS Publisher. ISBN: 978-1636486475. 71p.
    • Soula R., Chebil A., Cetin M., Majdoub R. 2021. Diagnosis and removal of trend component in groundwater elevation data by using experimental semivariogarms: A application to Mahdiaschallow aquifer system of Tunisia. Arabian Journal of Geosciences. 14: 2800. org/10.1007/s12517-021-08477-2
    • Lahmar K., Saied S., Majdoub R., Larue J.P. Ballais J.L. 2021. Les eaux du bassin versant de la CESSE (Sud Est de la France) approches cartographique et geo-environmentale. Larhyss Journal. 46: 49-75.
    • Ghannem A., Ben Aissa I., Majdoub R. 2021. Effects of regulated deficit irrigation applied at different growth stages of greenhouse grown tomato on substrate moisture, yield, fruit quality, and physiological traits. Environmental Science and Pollution Research Journal. 28: 46553-46564.
    • Ben Salem A., El Amri A., M’nassri S., Chokman K., Majdoub R. 2021. Spatio-temporal monitoring of the Meskat System Distribution in the Tunisian Sahel Region using TM Landsat Images. In Environmental Remote Sensing and GIS in Tunisia. In F. Khebour Allouche et al. (eds.), Environmental Remote Sensing and GIS in Tunisia, Springer Water, 59-75.
    • El Amri A., Anane M., Dridi L., Srasra M., Majdoub R. 2021. A GIS based DRASTIC, Pesticide DRASTIC and SI Methods to assess groundwater vulnerability to pollution: Case study of Oued Laya (Central Tunisia). In F. Khebour Allouche et al. (eds.), Environmental Remote Sensing and GIS in Tunisia, Springer Water, 143-163.

Contact : Tel : +216 73327544/546  Fax : +216 73327591

Institut Supérieur Agronomique de Chott Meriem

47 Route touristique Tantana, 4042, Chott Meriem, Sousse, Tunisie